Firearm Enquiry

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This information is only for licensed security companies who want to apply for firearm license.

The Registrar of Security Industries Authority (SIA) has no power under the Security Protection Act 2004 to register and issue firearm license to security companies. It is the Registrar of Firearm (Commissioner of Police) who has the power under the Firearm Act to grant firearm license and firearm user permits.

The Registrar of SIA will only make recommendation for a security company to the Registrar of Firearm (Commissioner of Police) if the security company meet all SIA requirements and has good compliance record

Follow these procedures.

Offences against using illegal firearm to conduct security business

It is a criminal offence to use illegal or unlicensed firearm to conduct security business.Any security company who uses an unlicensed or illegal firearm to provide security services to its business clients commits an offence. The offender would not only commit a criminal offence, but would also breach the security company code of conduct and will be referred to the Board of Complaint to be penalized.